Lori Gilbert has been a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of California since 2003. I graduated from Five Branches University with a 4-year Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which included acupuncture and herbal medicine specialty. I also received a certificate in Medical Qigong Therapy at that time.
I was formerly a certified NAET practitioner, but have not continued my certification with that program. Currently I am working on my Doctorate from Pacific College of Health and Science. The PCHS Doctoral program integrates our TCM knowledge with western medicine and current medical research. I believe it gives us a well-rounded education so us acupuncturists can communicate well with patients regarding their medical doctors, medications, lab tests, and understand how to integrate our practice in harmony with the patient’s other modalities.
As I am working on my Doctorate and working full-time at the California Air Resources Board, I am not currently seeing patients for my acupuncture practice. I plan to resume in a couple years, most likely. When I am, I’ll be announcing it here!